Monday, January 23, 2012

Baby chicks!

Last Friday we went to Sumner-Byrd Farm to pick up our baby chicks. We got 6 Barred Plymouth Rock pullets. They were born on January 18th.

They are in a brooder in the dining room. They are doing great and the kids are very interested in what the chicks are doing. Our dogs have finally calmed down. They spent the first two days trying to figure out how to get into the box to eat the chicks.

We may go back to the farm and pick up a few more chicks, I'm not really sure. I would like to get some Easter eggers (they lay blue and green eggs) and some Welsumer or Maren chicks (they lay dark chocolate brown eggs)

Now, we just need to get their coop built.

Monday, January 16, 2012


I just ordered our chickens! In a few weeks we will be the proud owners of 9 chicks from a local farm. I ordered 4 Dominiques, 4 Rhode Island Reds, and 1 Barred Plymouth Rock chick. I have to call for confirmation in the morning, but I believe our pick up date is 1/27. Now it is time to get out brooder ready.


Rhode Island Red

Barred Plymouth Rock

Sunday, January 15, 2012

New Beginnings

My husband, Adrian, and I have been happily married for 7 years. In that time we have welcomed four awesome children; Nathan (5), Ben (3), Anna (2) and Abby (almost 1). We have 3 dogs Frankie, Rosie, and Arlo who think that they are people.

Over the years we have discussed how we want to raise our family and how we want to live. We have decided that with 4 kids we need to change our lifestyle. We need to cut back on spending, stop wasting so much, and try new things.

Our newest endeavor is trying out suburban homesteading. Adrian approached me about a week ago and asked how I felt about raising meat rabbits. In the beginning, I was adamantly against it. Killing innocent bunnies was insane. It took a few days, but I decided that we could give it a try. The way I see it, the more we can produce in our yard, the less we have to purchase. Our kids are eating us out of house and home. Not to mention that the meat will be so much healthier. The rabbits will be Adrians to take care of.

I decided that since we were going to be raising rabbits we should go ahead and raise some chicken for eggs as well! I am super excited about the chickens. I can't wait to get started. The chickens will be mine to take care of.

We will be planting a veggie garden and a flower garden in the spring. Hopefully, we won't kill it all! Rabbit droppings are great for gardens! A compost bin is also on the agenda.

To do list:

Decide on Chicken coop design
Decide on rabbit hutch design
Build coop and hutch
Prepare garden
Get some Californian and/or New Zeland bunnies
Decide on which kind of chicken we want.
Order chicks from hatchery or locate a local farm. I would rather do local. Supporting local farmers and no shipping costs!
Purchase seeds for veggie garden and flower garden
Start seeds
Compost bin

I can't wait to get started on this new adventure!

My babies


Arlo (dachshund-pit mix).

Frankie and Arlo
