Friday, February 10, 2012

RIP little chick

We lost our first chick today. I recently moved them out of their box in the dining room into a box in the laundry room because they were getting a little smelly. We have had to be extremely diligent making sure that the laundry door stays closed.

Rosie has a thing for chickens.

She likes to kill them.

She killed some of the neighbors chicks last summer. Well, today Ben left the door opened. There was a chicken massacre. Luckily, she only got one. I think she may have broken its back or neck, but not killed it. Poor Adrian had to finish it off.

Here is a picture of Arlo checking out the brooder the other day. As soon as I snapped this picture he jumped in with the chicks. He just wants to play with them.

I think Frankie is a little scared of them. He doesn't like new things.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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